So Many Maybes

It used to be hard to be grumpy on a really gorgeous October day, and yesterday was a seriously pretty day today; the sun...

Ten Things I’ve Googled This Week that are NOT Corona-Related

1. Distilled water in iron. When I was a teenager, one of my occasional chores was ironing. My mom taught me to pour distilled...

Birthday Pedicure

  I get a pedicure about three times a year: once on my birthday, once when summer is beginning and my toes are about...

Magical Jumper

I have felt big my whole life. Not fat–although I have often felt fat, too–just big, like Sully the Pixar monster. I think it...

Surviving Joshua

I once spent four days with peanut butter in my hair and cabbage in my bra, while wearing a pair of overalls made for...

White Lie

They saw it coming. They said it was going to be the biggest snowstorm in twenty years. Just as the blue-white flakes began to...

Amazing Grace

I am sitting at a McDonalds on Rt. 1, because I made the mistake of telling my four year old that if he did...