If you can do what others don’t do, and not do what they do,
and be confident that you did what’s best for you;
If you can be kind when it is difficult, and humble even when you’re proud,
and know when to stand up for yourself, too;
If you can love when you don’t like, and give when you are weary, but know when to walk
away and not give anymore,
If you can be at peace with your whole self, and grateful for what God gave you,
and make His work a service and not a chore;
If you can be stylish and yet modest, light-hearted but not empty-headed,
not caring too much if others think you’re odd,
If you can see that beautiful people are the ones who smile and laugh,
and be fun-loving but in a way that pleases God;
If you can grieve when sadness is called for, but pick yourself up when it’s done,
not wallow in the sadness or despair,
If you can reach out a hand to others when they’re flailing or in pain, not being pulled in,
but showing that you care;
If you can win and be humble in winning, lose and be gracious in loss,
seek beauty and goodness when others seek darker things,
If you can hope when it seems hopeless, have faith when the path is unclear, and
go to sleep and see what tomorrow brings;
If you can recognize when hard work is the only route to take,
and do the work with tired and blistered hands,
and keep on working hard when you really want to quit,
and build your life on rocks instead of sand,
If you can turn away from the superficial, put aside temptation,
and see the difference between a pebble and a pearl,
Then yours is the world and all that is in it,
and what’s more, you’ll be a woman, my girl!