Author: paigejohnson
Crying Next to Pretty Mom at Soccer
I started crying at my son’s soccer game yesterday. Not rocking back and forth blubbering, and not silent-hiccup sobbing, just a sort of leaky-eyed...
There’s This Purse
There was this purse I saw, and I thought it could change my life, and maybe it will. I’m not usually a purse person,...
If (for girls)
If you can do what others don’t do, and not do what they do, and be confident that you did what’s best for you;...
Being Tommy Lee Jones
It seems to me that motherhood is cool again. Mommyhood’s day has arrived, and it is cool as long as you have the right...
Poem-in-my-forties 1
A toddler in a red jacket bends down to pick something up in the street, wind blown hair hiding her face, his face, I...

Bad Hair and Blueberry Muffins
I was in seventh grade. I had glasses and braces and hair that did not confine itself to looking bad once in a while,...
True Grit
The Holiday Season is here, and the T.V networks are trying to work in a few feel good movies now and then, squeezed in...